Mata-McMahon, JenniferBurggraf-Bassett, LaurelSalas, Ana GabrielaMichael, Joshua L.2021-01-042021-01-042020-08Mata-McMahon, Jennifer; Burggraf-Bassett, Laurel; Salas, Ana Gabriela; Michael, Joshua L.; Lakeland Dual Language Program Study AY 2016 –17 to AY 2018 –19; Sherman Center For Early Learning in Urban Communities (2020); study looks at evaluating the design and implementation of the Lakeland Dual Language Program (DLP). Lakeland is a Full-Service Community School (FSCS) in Baltimore, Maryland serving primarily Latinx and African American students. The purpose of this study is twofold: 1) to document the design, implementation and scaling of the FSCS’s DLP, coming into its fifth cohort (this report considered cohorts one through three), and 2) to gauge the impact the program has had on the learning outcomes of Emergent Bilingual (EBs). The ultimate goal of this ongoing study is to allow for dissemination and replication of the DLP into other public schools in the district and beyond.23 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.designimplementationLakeland Dual Language ProgramdisseminationreplicationSherman Center ResearchLakeland Dual Language Program Study AY 2016 –17 to AY 2018 –19Text