The Hilltop Institute2019-07-092019-06-132013-03-25 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently published the results of Hilltop’s study to evaluate the outreach efforts of Maryland’s Kids First program in a report titled How Well Did Maryland Identify and Enroll Uninsured Children Who Are Potentially Eligible for Medicaid or CHIP? The report describes Hilltop’s study, the challenges that the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene faced in its attempts to obtain information from the Comptroller’s office, and how Hilltop’s findings during the course of the project led to changes in Maryland’s tax forms that enabled more targeted mailings and the enactment of new legislation that facilitates data sharing. 10 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.Marylandidentifying and enrolling uninsured children for Medicaid or CHIPMaryland Kid's First ActHow Well Did Maryland Identify and Enroll Uninsured Children Who Are Potentially Eligible for Medicaid or CHIPHow Well Did Maryland Identify and Enroll Uninsured Children Who Are Potentially Eligible for Medicaid or CHIP ?Text