Stokan, EricDeslatte, AaronHatch, Megan E.2020-07-062020-07-062020-06-03Stokan, E., Deslatte, A., & Hatch, M. E. (2020). Exploring the Trade-Offs Local Governments Make in the Pursuit of Economic Growth and Equity. Urban Affairs Review. development at the municipal level often necessitates that local governments make trade-offs between firm- and locality-based strategies. In recent decades, economic development researchers have described these efforts over time as exhibiting certain patterns and metaphors: as a series of waves, as embodying a type of lock-in effect, and as a policy layering process; however, the mechanisms behind these patterns remain unclear. This article draws upon 30 years of economic development policy decision making across the United States to understand what leads local governments to prioritize growth- or equity-oriented policies. We find that equity-enhancing economic development policies are more likely when local governments face less competitive pressure, have greater resource capacities, and experience greater intergovernmental involvement in the economic development planning process. Leveraging these factors can aid governments as they struggle to navigate a more sustainable path toward growth and equity.51 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.Eric Stokan, Aaron Deslatte, Megan Hatch, Exploring the Tradeoffs Local Governments Make in the Pursuit of Economic Growth and Equity, Urban Affairs Review Copyright ©2020 SAGE Publications. DOI: the Trade-Offs Local Governments Make in the Pursuit of Economic Growth and EquityText