Marra, Peter P.Studds, Colin E.Wilson, ScottSillett, T. ScottSherry, Thomas W.Holmes, Richard T.2019-03-042019-03-042015-07-22Peter P. Marra, Colin E. Studds, Scott Wilson, T. Scott Sillett, Thomas W. Sherry, and Richard T. Holmes, Non-breeding season habitat quality mediates the strength of density-dependence for a migratory bird, Proc Biol Sci. 2015 Jul 22; 282(1811): 20150624. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0624 understanding of when natural populations are regulated during their annual cycle is limited, particularly for migratory species. This information is needed for parametrizing models that can inform management and conservation. Here, we use 14 years of data on colour-marked birds to investigate how conspecific density and habitat quality during the tropical non-breeding period interact to affect body condition and apparent annual survival of a long-distance migratory songbird, the American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). Body condition and survival of birds in high-quality mangrove habitat declined as density increased. By contrast, body condition improved and survival did not vary as density increased in adjacent, lower quality scrub habitat, although mean condition and survival were almost always lower than in mangrove. High rainfall enhanced body condition in scrub but not in mangrove, suggesting factors such as food availability outweighed consequences of crowding in lower quality habitat. Thus, survival of overwintering redstarts in mangrove habitat, disproportionately males, appears to be regulated by a crowding mechanism based on density-dependent resource competition. Survival of individuals in scrub, mostly females, appears to be limited by density-independent environmental factors but not regulated by crowding. The contrasting effects of density and food limitation on individuals overwintering in adjacent habitats illustrate the complexity of processes operating during the non-breeding period for migratory animals, and emphasize the need for long-term studies of animals in multiple habitats and throughout their annual cycles.8 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.American redstartcrowdingSetophaga ruticillacarry-over effectsannual survivalNon-breeding season habitat quality mediates the strength of density-dependence for a migratory birdText