Higgins, PadraigKebe, Gaoussou YoussoufBerlier, AdamDarvish, KasraEngel, DonFerraro, FrancisMatuszek, Cynthia2021-08-092021-08-092021Higgins, Padraig et al.; Towards Making Virtual Human-Robot Interaction a Reality; VAM-HRI, 2021http://hdl.handle.net/11603/22340VAM-HRI, 2021For robots deployed in human-centric spaces, natural language promises an intuitive, natural interface. However, obtaining appropriate training data for grounded language in a variety of settings is a significant barrier. In this work, we describe using human-robot interactions in virtual reality to train a robot, combining fully simulated sensing and actuation with human interaction. We present the architecture of our simulator and our grounded language learning approach, then describe our intended initial experiments.5 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.UMBC Ebiquity Research Grouphuman-robot interactionvirtual realitygrounded language acquisitionSim2RealTowards Making Virtual Human-Robot Interaction a RealityText