Scott, Stacey2017-05-122017-05-122017-05-12 paper deals with the cyclical relationship between classroom management and student learning and student learning and student behavior. It discusses disruptions in the middle to high school classrooms by students with emotional and other behavioral challenges, the negative impact on learning and acquiring academic skills posed by the challenges of these students, and interventions that could influence a positive change in the behavior of these students. It studies the intervention of the flash pass. It hypothesizes that built into the strategy of the flash pass may be its own potential of disruption since its use may be abused by the students. It deals with four important points: (a) the importance of behavioral interventions (b) definitions of types of disruptive behaviors (c) explanations of types of mental challenges and the disruption associated with them (d) Interventions for improving classroom behavior The research is data-driven. Data of a male and a female student high school student who attend and are treated in a private residential treatment facility in Baltimore, Maryland were collected and analyzed. Findings were that the flash pass, used as an intervention in this setting, yields no significant positive results.28 pagesen-USCollection may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. To obtain information or permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the Goucher Special Collections & Archives at 410-337-6347 or email 3.0 United States schoolInterventionStrategiesDisruptive BehaviorEmotional DisabilitiesEducation -- Research papers (Graduate).Interventions Used to Improve Classroom Behavior for High School StudentsText