O'Neill, NancyFox, JamesSokoloski, JoshuaBrown, AnitaBown, CarolinaSurak, SarahBatista Lobo, MarĂa FernandaEgan, Chrys2022-11-152022-11-152022O'Neill, Nancy, ed. Silver Linings: Lessons Learned from Teaching During the Pandemic. Adelphi, MD: William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, University System of Maryland, 2022.http://hdl.handle.net/11603/26330This publication features faculty and administrator reflections on the challenges, triumphs, lessons learned, and new instructional approaches that came about as a result of teaching through, and since, the COVID-19 pandemic. The essays in this volume began as presentations delivered in Fall 2021 at a convening of the same name, and together, they help paint a picture of teaching and learning efforts that are flexible, creative, empathetic toward students, and inclusive of students’ differing needs.145 pagesen-USCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/College teachingRemote teachingOnline teachingWeb-based instructionCOVID-19 pandemicSilver Linings: Lessons Learned from Teaching During the PandemicText