Smith, RogersRasmussen, Amy CabreraGalston, WilliamHan, HahrieKing-Meadows, TysonKirkpatrick, JennetLevine, PeterLieberman, RobertMylonas, HarrisRigger, ShelleySinclair-Chapman, ValeriaShay, CammyVechten, Renee VanGrigg, Amanda2020-11-192020-11-192020-10-16Rogers Smith et al., APSA Presidential Task Force Report on New Partnerships, PS: Political Science & Politics, Volume 53 Issue 4, DOI: principles guide the task force’s work. In the area of research, it seeks to promote opportunities for political science research to break out of the confines of professional specialization; show that here is a factual common ground on public issues across ideological divides; and critically inform important matters of public discussion. It also prioritizes providing research opportunities to colleagues from a variety of types of institutions.3 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.APSA Presidential Task Force Report on New PartnershipsText