Bobrow, AdamDuval, BizEnglish, MikeMintz, ElanaSaul, EricWinston, LisaDasgupta, SunilEnglish, Mike2023-03-162023-03-162021-11-12English, Mike. "The American Dream" I Hate Politics podcast. Nov 12, 2021. actors: Adam Bobrow, Biz Duval, Mike English, Elana Mintz, Eric Saul, and Lisa WinstonThis week we bring you a special voice-acted episode with unfiltered words and arguments from the frontlines of the zoning wars. These are real excerpts from thousands of social media posts across several platforms including Nextdoor, Facebook, Twitter, and neighborhood listservs. The language is not always appropriate for young children. Guest produced by Mike English. Voice actors: Adam Bobrow, Biz Duval, Mike English, Elana Mintz, Eric Saul, and Lisa Winston.42 mins 08 secsen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author. I Hate PoliticsThe American DreamSound