Young, Steven2021-04-082021-04-08Steven Young, THE BALTIC VERBAL ROOTS *lV̄ ̆ g-, *lV̄ ̆ ź, Baltu filoloģija XXIX (2) 2020, present paper attempts to shed additional light on a number of etymologies proposed for various Baltic (and related Slavic) verbal bases of the shape *lV̄̆g-, *lV̄̆ź-. These include *leg-, *leź-, *lēg-, *lēź-, together with their ablaut derivatives, and reflect a range of meanings, among them ‘lie (down); abate, subside (of weather, emotions); thaw; flat; crawl; fall ill’.10 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.baltic verbsderivatives*lV̄̆g-, *lV̄̆ź-baltic verbal rootsmeaningsTHE BALTIC VERBAL ROOTS* lV̄̆g-,* lV̄̆źText