Korczak, Margaret A.Phillips, Sasha T.2015-12-172015-12-172013-01-182013-05TSP2012Philipshttp://hdl.handle.net/11603/1947(Au. D.) -- Towson University, 2013.Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMPs) were recorded at various intensities to click stimuli in 16 subjects with a negative self-reported history of vestibular pathology. At most, recordings were obtained to a total of six stimulus intensities (i.e., 90, 95, 70, 75, 80 and 85 dBnHL). From the VEMP waveforms collected at 90 and 95 dBnHL several response indices (i.e., absolute latency values for p13 and n23, peak-to-peak amplitude values, and amplitude asymmetry ratios) were assessed. Results from this study revealed no significant difference for latency, peak-to-peak amplitude, amplitude asymmetry ratio, and threshold between the left and right ears for the 90 and 95 dBnHL responses. Additionally, the tonic EMG RMS values ranged from 300 to 1250uV. All subjects were able to maintain and achieve tonic contractions within +10% of their established EMG tonic level for all stimulus intensities for each trial of the VEMP recordings. These findings provide a normative guideline for optimal stimulus and recording conditions to be used in the Speech, Language, and Hearing Center at Towson University.application/pdfxi, 127 pagesengCopyright protected, all rights reserved.A normative study on the click vestibular evoked myogenic potentialText