Lee, HyeongwooWhetten, Benjamin G.Kim, Byong JaeWoo, Ju YoungKoo, YeonjeongBae, JinhyukKang, MinguMoon, TaeyoungJoo, HuitaeJeong, SoheeLim, JaehoonEfros, Alexander L.Raschke, Markus B.Pelton, MatthewPark, Kyoung-Duck2024-04-102024-04-102024-03-25Lee, Hyeongwoo, Benjamin G. Whetten, Byong Jae Kim, Ju Young Woo, Yeonjeong Koo, Jinhyuk Bae, Mingu Kang, et al. “Electrically Tunable Single Polaritonic Quantum Dot at Room Temperature.” Physical Review Letters 132, no. 13 (March 25, 2024): 133001. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.133001.https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.133001http://hdl.handle.net/11603/32975Exciton-polaritons confined in plasmonic cavities are hybridized light-matter quasiparticles, with distinct optical characteristics compared to plasmons and excitons alone. Here, we demonstrate the electric tunability of a single polaritonic quantum dot operating at room temperature in electric-field tip-enhanced strong coupling spectroscopy. For a single quantum dot in the nanoplasmonic tip cavity with variable dc local electric field, we dynamically control the Rabi frequency with the corresponding polariton emission, crossing weak to strong coupling. We model the observed behaviors based on the quantum confined Stark effect in the strong coupling regime.7 pagesen-USThis work was written as part of one of the author's official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States Government. In accordance with 17 U.S.C. 105, no copyright protection is available for such works under U.S. Law.Public Domainhttps://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.enElectrically Tunable Single Polaritonic Quantum Dot at Room TemperatureText