Joshi, AnupamTimilsina, Sandesh2021-09-012021-09-012020-01-2012162 the recent years, there has been an enormous increase in user-generated content on the internet. As a result of sentiments and opinions being freely shared on social media platforms, readers are at the increased risk of being exposed to potentially offensive content. This content, while initially limited to English, is now in a large number of languages. Cyber-bullying and online harassment has also become a major problem. While sentiment analysis has always been an active research topic in the NLP community, it is even more important given the expansion of social media. Most of the existing research in sentiment analysis has been focused on English and other high resource languages. While there is emerging work in some low resource languages, very limited work has been done on sentiment analysis in the Nepali language. The preliminary works in this field in the Nepali language focused on document level classification of news stories, book, and movie reviews. However, to the best of our knowledge, no works have been done to analyze the sentiment using social media data. Also, the previous works are limited to binary classification of instances as positive or negative. No earlier works have focused on aspect-level sentiment analysis. In this theses, we present our work on offensive language detection in Nepali social media data. We focused on targeted aspect-based offensive language identification in YouTube comments written in Nepali and code switched language. Unlike previous works in the Nepali language in this field, this work trained deep learning models such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and BERT for the tasks. Moreover, we also created a dataset which is being released with this work.application:pdfAspect-based Sentiment AnalysisDetecting Offensive Language in Social MediaOffensive Language IdentificationOffensive Language Identification in NepaliSocial Media Analysis in NepaliSocial Media Text AnalysisDetecting Offensive Social Media Text in Nepali LanguageText