Tucker-Worgs, TamelynRowles, Ashlee2022-04-252022-04-252022-04-24http://hdl.handle.net/11603/24621The effectiveness of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher will be examined through the measurement of wrap-around programming within localized initiatives.This research project is focused on the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and its effectiveness through both a political approach and an economic context. The Housing Choice Voucher Program comes most usually in two forms, one being a housing voucher participants used to find affordable housing in the private market, and the other form being public housing projects which are low-cost residential neighborhoods funded by the policy and located within housing authorities. Both are federally funded yet locally managed initiatives that provide low rent affordable housing for residents who qualify. Ideally, this “safety net” catches families unable to afford market rate rental housing or mortgages, giving them opportunities for economic upward mobility. My research shows that when using a multidimensional approach that includes wraparound services, Section 8 housing assistance can create a truly transformative experience for program participates. My research project employs case study analysis to understand why particular section 8 initiatives utilize this multi-dimensional approach to better support their residents, and why others solely offer the reduction of housing costs without any other accompanying support. The difference between these processes of tackling poverty has a different impact, and the limitations of some section 8 initiatives result in less effective support for their residents, overall community, and their own mission of aiding participants to become self-sufficient. With this disparity of support and aid, this research project will focus on what jurisdictions within six different locally managed Section 8 programs are most commonly accompanying this more supportive and impactful iteration of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program to better understand possible inequalities within the service of this policy.38 pagesen-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesAffordable Housingpovertypublic policySection 8 Housing Choice VoucherWelfareLow-incomeAn Analysis of the Effectiveness of HUD Assisted Housing in its Mission to Decrease Wealth DisparitiesText