Bradley, DebbieLee, MichelleGethers, KeithFundack, AshleyPfeifer, Heather2018-05-162018-05-162015-04Bradley, D., Lee, M., Gethers, K., Fudack, A., & Pfeifer, H. Editors (2015, April). THE RVAAM ALUMNI Academy Forum . Retrieved from Newsletter newsletter that is published along with annual gatherings.Spring has finally arrived! It has been such a cold, cloudy winter, the sights and sounds of spring sure are a welcome sight!! Another welcome sight on my calendar is the Academy! Can you believe it is time to start recruiting new people to be a a part of this wonderful group? Think outside the box - are there any judges you know who might be interested in learning how to better meet victims’ needs? How about healthcare workers, such as hospital personnel? What about clergy or teachers? There are so many people who actually work with victims of crime that we often overlook when recruiting, so let’s make it a priority to not do so again this year. Go to and download some applications and give them to people you know who could benefit from this training. You might also want to give them a copy of the newsletter so they can read about others’ Academy experiences - nothing does a better job of convincing people the value of the Academy than to hear directly from those who have gone through it.6 pagesen-USvictimologytrauma informedRoper Victim Assistance Academy of Marylandvictim's needsThe RVAAM Alumni Academy Forum Quarterly Newsletter April 2015Text