Dudley, AlfredaBraman, JamesWang, KathyVincenti, GiovanniTupper, Donna2017-09-202017-09-202010-01Dudley, A., Braman, J., Wang, Y., Vincenti, G. & Tupper, D. (2010). Security, Legal, and Ethical Implications of Using Virtual Worlds. Towson University, 1-6.http://hdl.handle.net/11603/5420Technologies such as virtual worlds have become an increasing area for research over the past several years. Many active internet users are using virtual worlds like Second Life for social interactions of all kinds. These mediums are a growing trend for online communication; the impacts of using this technology are of importance. In this paper, the authors discuss leading areas of concern related to the use of virtual worlds focusing on security, legal and ethical implications.6 pagesen-USvirtual worldsethicssecond lifesecurity implicationslegal implicationsSecurity, Legal, and Ethical Implications of Using Virtual WorldsText