Biswas, AnimikhFoias, CiprianFrazho, A. E.2024-11-142024-11-141999-04-13Biswas, Animikh, Ciprian Foias, and A. E. Frazho. “Weighted commutant lifting,” Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 65, no. 3 (1999): 657-686. paper presents a refined and constructive version of the commutant lifting theorem (see [14]) which includes the Treil–Volberg generalization of that theorem (see [15]). This theory is used to solve a new variant of the Sarason interpolation problem.30 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.Weighted commutant liftingText