Biswas, AnimikhLambert, AlanPetrovic, Srdjan2024-11-142024-11-142003-02-26Biswas, Animikh, Alan Lambert, and Srdjan Petrovic. “Extended Eigenvalues and the Volterra Operator.” Glasgow Mathematical Journal 44, no. 3 (September 2002): 521–34. this paper we consider the integral Volterra operator on the space L²(0,1). We say that a complex number λ is an extended eigenvalue of V if there exists a nonzero operator X satisfying the equation XV=λVX. We show that the set of extended eigenvalues of V is precisely the interval (0, ∞) and the corresponding eigenvectors may be chosen to be integral operators as well.21 pagesen-US@2002 Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust. This work has been accepted for publication.Extended eigenvalues and the Volterra operatorText