Dasgupta, SunilSaeed, Sami2024-07-262024-07-262024-06-21Dasgupta, Sunil, host. Interview with Sami Saeed. "Sami Saeed’s Frustrations with School Safety in MCPS" I Hate Politics Podcast. June 21, 2024. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1FX6g1wgaxaHqYPKATv5fL.http://hdl.handle.net/11603/35012Listen to this episode from I Hate Politics Podcast on Spotify. In November 2023 the Montgomery County Board of Education passed a School Safety Resolution sponsored by the Student Member of the Board Sami Saeed. But MCPS had not made any progress by April 2024. Sunil Dasgupta talks with Saeed about his frustrations over getting MCPS to act. Music from Silver Spring musician and writer Jon Brayton who performs as Myster Treefrog.34 minutes 7 secondsen-USI Hate PoliticsSami Saeed’s Frustrations with School Safety in MCPSText