Jones, Keith LKrishnan, Gopal VPevzner, MikhailSengupta, Partha2017-06-282017-06-282008K Jones, G Krishnan, M Pevzner, P Sengupta. (2008). Accounting conservatism in fraud firms: An empirical investigation. Working paper.10.2139/ssrn.1267269 examine whether Ball and Shivakumar (2006) and Basu (1997) models of conservatism identify fraud firms as anti-conservative. We show that both models do so to some extent, but Ball and Shivakumar model results are stronger. We further show that these results are driven by firms committing largest frauds as a percentage of firms' assets. Our results are important to academics who use conservatism measures in their studies, and to policy makers who seek to assess usefulness of conservatism to capital markets.28 pagesen-USConservatismBasu ModelBall and Shivakumar ModelFraudAccounting Conservatism in Fraud Firms: An Empirical InvestigationText