Gasser, Courtney E.2017-10-112017-10-112013Gasser, C.E. (2013). Career Self-Appraisals and Educational Aspirations of Diverse First-Year College Students. College Student Journal, 47(2), 364-372. study examined the career, social, and academic self-appraisals and educational aspirations of first-year college students of diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds. Participants included 72 first-year students of Black, Asian, and White ethnicities. Career self appraisals were significantly different for Black and Asian students when compared to White students, and subsequent analysis revealed that White students had higher career.self-appraisals. Also, educational aspirations were significantly predicted by academic self-appraisals. Practice implications are explored.10 pagesen-USfirst-year college studentsacademic self-appraisaleducational aspirationsCareer Self-Appraisals and Educational Aspirations of Diverse First-Year College StudentsText