Hogan, SeanHutson, Jeffrey2020-06-262020-06-262018-071536-7975http://hdl.handle.net/11603/19003The University of Baltimore’s Langsdale Library underwent its five-year review in FY2016 (1 July 2015–30 June 2016). A basic, integral and necessary element of this process was the development of an assessment plan. Langsdale Library developed a five-year assessment plan based on the five-year review. The plan aligns the library’s collections and services to the library’s mission and strategic goals as well as linking to the University of Baltimore’s strategic plan, which provides the foundation and direction for the University. At its core, the assessment plan helps to monitor strategic goals; in short, it answers the question, “Are we doing what we say we’re doing?”80-88en-USAccess Services, assessment, circulation, interlibrary loan, library administration, reserves, resource sharing, total library assessmentAssessing Access Services : Building a 5-Year Plan for Sustainable AssessmentText