Watkins, Dwight2018-02-252018-02-252016-11-24Watkins, D. (2016, November 24). Reclaiming Thanksgiving: How I Learned to Embrace a Holiday that Represents Everything I'm Against. Salon.com. https://www.salon.com/2016/11/24/reclaiming-thanksgiving-how-i-learned-to-embrace-a-holiday-that-represents-everything-im-against/.http://hdl.handle.net/11603/7817Social context is interesting. A few years back, I had a white coworker who viewed Thanksgiving as a holiday that all Americans should proudly celebrate, even the Native ones. To her, it was more than a time for family and food — it was time for Americans to celebrate the many things we overcame, our resilience, our ability to unite with the indigenous people in the New World and the basic fundamentals that make us the greatest country in the world. To this day, I don’t really know what she was talking about.4 Pagesen-USThanksgivingAmerican Systemic RacismCelebrateNew WorldReclaiming Thanksgiving: How I Learned to Embrace a Holiday That Represents Everything I'm AgainstText