Cuddapah, JenniferMyers, Karine2022-12-112022-12-112022-12-12 role of the school principal continues to increase in complexity and challenge. Administrators are expected to have a significant impact on student achievement and absenteeism in addition to teacher satisfaction and retention. Yet, half of principals have less than five or fewer years of leadership experience. High-quality, personalized professional learning, such as leadership coaching, is essential to support principals in their development to ensure effective schools and student success. This qualitative action research study aimed to understand the influence of a leadership coaching community of practice on new school administrators' perceptions of self-efficacy. It examined participants' recommendations and feedback for possible programmatic improvements and adjustments. Twelve leadership coaching participants from a K-12 mid-sized, mid-Atlantic school system completed two semi-structured interviews, one at mid-intervention and the other at the end of the intervention. Six participants completed and submitted pre and post self-efficacy scales, and four principal supervisors completed an end- of-intervention survey. Researcher logs and memos served as an additional data source. Coded data identified patterns and themes for coaches, coachees, and the leadership coaching program. The study found that coachees experienced increased self-efficacy, valued trusted relationships and collegial collaboration, and felt supported in their transition to their new principalship role. Participants felt the program was mutually beneficial for the coach and coachee. Findings indicate that the program provided valuable support and should be continued. The participants recommended the program expand beyond the school-based administrator role to serve and support other leaders within the school system as they acclimate to new roles. Results provide insight for other school systems seeking to design or implement a similar leadership coaching program to influence leadership self-efficacy both for coaches and coachees .en-USAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States leadershipLeadership coachingCoachingSelf-efficacyDouble loop learningInfluence of a Leadership Coach Community: New School Leaders' Self Efficacy PerspectivesText