Hash-Grams: Faster N-Gram Features for Classification and Malware Detection

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Citation of Original Publication

Edward Raff and Charles Nicholas. 2018. Hash-Grams: Faster N-Gram Features for Classification and Malware Detection. In DocEng ’18: ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2018, August 28–31, 2018, Halifax, NS, Canada. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3209280.3229085


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N-grams have long been used as features for classification problems, and their distribution often allows selection of the top-k occurring n-grams as a reliable first-pass to feature selection. However, this top-k selection can be a performance bottleneck, especially when dealing with massive item sets and corpora. In this work we introduce Hash-Grams, an approach to perform top-k feature mining for classification problems. We show that the Hash-Gram approach can be up to three orders of magnitude faster than exact top-k selection algorithms. Using a malware corpus of over 2 TB in size, we show how Hash-Grams retain comparable classification accuracy, while dramatically reducing computational requirements.