SU School of Social Work

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    Economic Justice for Students: One Way Educators Can Address Textbook Costs
    (2019-03-14) Anthony, Becky; Venable, Victoria
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    Modeling social justice through innovative, low-cost textbook options for social work students
    (Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting, 2018-11-10) Anthony, Becky; Venable, Victoria; School of Social Work
    This presentation discusses social work professors’ experience, including interprofessional support, with designing and self-publishing a low-cost textbook alternative for a generalist level basic interviewing skills course. The research findings from the student survey will be reviewed and identified areas of need, areas of strength, and possible options for improvement of the course workbook.
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    Supporting Families Using a Rural Paediatric Integrated Care Model
    (2016) Venable, Victoria; Habeger, Amy
    Children in rural areas are 20% less likely to receive mental health and behavioral interventions than those living in urban areas (Lambert, Ziller, & Lenardson, 2009). This is largely due to isolated service providers and the families’ lack of resources. To underscore the struggles of parents, it has been reported that 29.4% of parents report that pediatric behavioral health care services are hard to access and difficult to coordinate, especially in rural environments (Bronheim, Thomas, & McKay, 2007). Rural families in Maryland struggle to access social and behavioral health care services due to stigma, transportation, provider shortages, and a lack of family education regarding the need for services. There is currently a lack of accessible integrated health care services available to support pediatric patients and their families in rural Maryland.
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    Mentoring African American males
    (2008) Owens, Allessia P.
    The ALANA Experience at Prince George's Community College has been promoting educational attainment for over 15 years. With this tradition in place we are devoted to assisting all students continue their education by providing structured support opportunities that include mentoring, academic advising, study skills and social development workshops. Our goal is to retain students so that they reach their educational and/or professional goals.