The association between parent and child educational attainment for first- and second-generation immigrants


Author/Creator ORCID



Type of Work


Sociology and Anthropology


Sociology, Applied

Citation of Original Publication


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This theses looks at the association between parent and child educational attainment for various immigrant groups in the United States. Specifically, this study seeks to determine if (1) there is a measurable association between parent and child educational attainment and (2) if this association is weaker for Asian Americans when compared to other immigrant groups. There is also exploratory analysis to measure trends within other immigrant groups. Regression analysis was conducted using the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study (CILS) to measure the association between educational attainment along with cultural value controls and sociodemographic controls. A statistically significant association was found between parent and child educational attainment. The weakest association was for Asian immigrants, while the strongest association was for Caribbean immigrants. Mexican immigrants did not have a statistically significant association between parent and child'seducational attainment.