Flexible Training’s Intrusion on Work/Life Balance

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Citation of Original Publication

TAKIYA, Seema; ARCHBOLD, Jennifer; BERGE, Zane; Flexible Training’s Intrusion on Work/Life Balance; Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE April 2005 ISSN 1302-6488 Volume :6 Number: 2 Article No:7 (2005); http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/makale_goster.php?id=195


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With more companies allowing “flextime”, more access to elearning, and telecommuting, the line between workplace flexibility and work-life balance begins to blur. Companies “sell” to employees the flexibility of being able to complete training programs from the comfort of the participant's home, allowing them to learn at their own speed. In many ways, this solution is of great value to many employees. What also must be considered with the flexibility such training offers, is the unintentional consequences. This article explores questions such as does this flexibility create a 24-hour work day where the employee is continually accessible to work? Does it result in less family, personal and leisure time to the detriment of the worker?