Developing and Evaluating a Non-Visual Memory Game

Author/Creator ORCID





Citation of Original Publication

Kuber, Ravi; Tretter, Matthew; Murphy, Emma; Developing and Evaluating a Non-Visual Memory Game; In proceedings of INTERACT 2011;


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© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2011



This paper describes the development of a non-visual memory game based on the classic game ‘SimonTM′, where users are presented with a sequence of stimuli, which they need to replicate in the same order to progress to the next level. Information is presented using a combination of speech, non-speech audio and/or haptic cues, designed to aid blind users who are often excluded from mainstream gaming applications. Findings from an empirical study have revealed that when haptic feedback was presented in combination with other modalities, users successfully replicated more sequences, compared with presenting haptic feedback alone. We suggest that when developing a non-visual game using an unfamiliar input device, speech-based feedback is presented in conjunction with haptic cues.