Attenuated psychosis syndrome: benefits of explicit recognition

Author/Creator ORCID





Citation of Original Publication

Schiffman, Jason; Carpenter, William T.; Attenuated psychosis syndrome: benefits of explicit recognition; Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry, 2015, Vol. 27, No. 1;


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©2015 Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry



Given the unique characteristics of people who meet criteria for attenuated psychosis syndrome (APS) and the growing literature on the clinical benefits of providing services to individuals who meet these criteria, the APS diagnosis serves an important, and previously missing, role in psychiatry. The promotion of the APS diagnosis should help reduce the over-diagnosis and over-treatment of individuals with prodromal psychotic conditions and it should also encourage expanded training about attenuated psychosis among clinicians who primarily provide services to youth (a primary group who are diagnosed with APS). Only some of the individuals with APS subsequently develop psychosis, but all have existing clinical needs – regardless of subsequent conversion. The formal recognition of APS in DSM-5 will facilitate the research needed to identify and meet those needs.