A Descriptive Study of The Impact Youth Athletic Participation has on Childhood Development.


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Masters of Education

Citation of Original Publication


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The purpose of this study was to describe the effects of youth athletic participation on student development. Development was broken down into three categories: Childhood development, health, and confidence, and over-all wellbeing. Childhood development consists of academic, athletic, emotional, social, and personal development. Health and confidence include mental and physical health and self-confidence. Over-all being is split into competency and wellbeing. Twenty-five youth lacrosse coaches from New Jersey were asked to fill out a questionnaire asking for their coaching experience, a Likert scale to describe effects on development, and then a short response to describe their personal perspective. All coaches responded that athletic participation had a range of neutral to positive impact on student development. No coaches responded that athletics had a negative effect on any area of student development. Research should continue due to the small sample size of coaches limited to New Jersey and lacrosse. Coaches from different areas and sports could see more negative or more positive effects on student development.