Machine Learning Exercises on One Dimensional Electromagnetic Inversion


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Citation of Original Publication

Simsek, Ergun; Machine Learning Exercises on One Dimensional Electromagnetic Inversion; IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (2021);


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This work aims to enhance our fundamental understanding of how the measurement setup used to generate training and testing datasets affects the accuracy of the machine learning algorithms that attempt solving electromagnetic inversion problems solely from data. A systematic study is carried out on a one-dimensional semi-inverse electromagnetic problem, which is estimating the electrical permittivity values of a planarly layered medium with fixed layer thicknesses assuming different receiver-transmitter antenna combinations in terms of location and numbers. Accuracy of the solutions obtained with four machine learning methods including neural-networks is compared with a physics-based solver deploying the Nelder-Mead simplex method to achieve the inversion iteratively. Numerical results show that (i) deep-learning outperforms the other machine learning techniques implemented in this study, (ii) increasing number of antennas and placing them as close as possible to the domain of interest increase inversion accuracy, (iii) for neural networks, training datasets created on random grids lead to a more efficient learning than the training datasets created on uniform grids, and (iv) multi-frequency training and testing with a few antennas can achieve more accurate inversion than single-frequency setups deploying several antennas.