The Pandemic City: Urban Issues in the Time of COVID-19





Citation of Original Publication

Martínez, Lina, and John R. Short. 2021. "The Pandemic City: Urban Issues in the Time of COVID-19" Sustainability 13, no. 6: 3295.


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Pandemics have shaped the way cities are planned and configured. Throughout history, cities have evolved to solve problems of sanitation, hygiene, and health access while providing space and opportunities for the urban dwellers. COVID-19 will have significant implications in the way cities are planned. This recent crisis highlights a number of issues. This paper looks at the context for the pandemic and then reviews studies and debates in four areas: transformations in the configuration of public spaces, transportation, urban connectivities, and urban economies. This pandemic, like other similar episodes in the past, is forcing us to rethink the nature of urban space and may be an opportunity to plan for safer, more sustainable cities.