New TOMS instrument measures ozone and aerosols





Citation of Original Publication

Kaye, J. A., McPeters, R. D., Herman, J. R., Bhartia, P. K., and Krueger, A. J. (1998), New TOMS instrument measures ozone and aerosols, Eos Trans. AGU, 79( 5), 57– 63, doi:10.1029/98EO00035.


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New Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) instruments launched in 1996 have provided new and better information about ozone distribution, sulfur dioxide concentrations following large volcanic eruptions, the distributions of ultraviolet-absorbing aerosols (including ash plumes) in the troposphere, and the flux of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface. The instruments gathered important data on ozone depletion in the Antarctic in the austral springs of 1996 and 1997 and in the Arctic in the Northern Hemisphere spring of 1997. Ash clouds associated with forest fires in the United States and in Indonesia, as well as the eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano in Montserrat in December 1997, were also observed. NASA's Earth Probe (EP) satellite, launched in July 1996, carries one TOMS instrument. A second TOMS instrument flew on the Japanese Advanced Environmental Orbiting Satellite (ADEOS), known as “Midori,” launched in August 1996 from Japan. Unfortunately, because the ADEOS spacecraft failed in June 1997, only 10 months of data are available from the ADEOS TOMS instrument (see The Earth Probe satellite flew in a 500 km Sun-synchronous orbit, which was chosen to complement the 800 km altitude of the ADEOS spacecraft by providing improved horizontal resolution for viewing aerosol sources (26 km x 26 km at nadir instead of the 42 km x 42 km resolution of ADEOS). Because of the lower orbit, data gaps did not allow for full daily maps of the sunlit Earth from EP TOMS. In order to restore the complete global coverage lost with the ADEOS failure, the EP spacecraft was boosted to a 740 km orbit in early December 1997.