The Relationship Between Fluency and Comprehension in Second Grade Students


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Masters of Education

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The Relationship between Fluency and Comprehension in Second Grade Students April McCullum July, 2016 The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between reading fluency and reading comprehension and to determine if a student’s reading fluency rate has an impact on their ability to comprehend. The correlational study was conducted with 20 second graders from four separate classes. The measurement tool used to assess fluency was the Oral Reading Fluency portion of Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS). The measurement tool used to assess comprehension was the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). These measures were both administered during fall and winter intervals of the 2015-2016 school year. Prior to the winter assessments, students participated in an 8 week fluency intervention pull- out groups. Fall data showed a significant relationship between fluency and comprehension. However, winter data did not show a significant relationship even after students participated in fluency intervention groups. Research in this area should continue as the results of this study were conflicting.