Performing Arts Venue Management in the Era of the Metropolitan Revolution: Suggestions for Sustainable City-Owned Cultural Facilities


Author/Creator ORCID



Type of Work


Arts Administration


MA in Arts Administration

Citation of Original Publication


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Today, no standard list of performance metrics exists for performing arts venues. Comparing performing arts venues is nearly impossible when each venue determines its individual performance metrics to define success. Research for this paper includes the management structures of city-owned performing arts centers as measured by variety of programming and community engagement opportunities. The argument that nonprofit management structures are naturally poised to represent the communities’ audiences unlike city management, is explored. Various management structures are identified and the strengths and weaknesses within each are discussed. Lack of standard performance metrics within the performing arts venue management industry ensures that differences in what defines success will vary from community to community. Comparative data does not often tell the entire story of a community and more often is not applicable to another community. Through collaborations and resource sharing between municipalities, venue managers, and local arts organizations, city-owned performing arts centers are better suited to represent their communities.