La identidad sexual: la sociedad, el individuo, y la pérdida de la virginidad


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Bachelor's Degree

Citation of Original Publication


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As a controversial and popular issue within many, if not all, cultures, sexual intercourse is an intriguing topic to examine. While reading Almudena Grandes’s novel Malena es un nombre de tango for a Spanish seminar, I was captivated by the complex nature of sexual identity, particularly as it pertains to the concept of virginity. Since I had never dedicated much time to exploring these concepts, I decided to conduct a literature review. Through my research, I identified various factors that influence one’s sexual identity, which consists of both a social and a personal identity. Societal, cultural, and familial influences all play a role in creating an individual’s definitions of sex and virginity, as well as their perceptions of these concepts. Both popular and personal definitions of sex and virginity often affect how an individual sees themselves sexually and how other people view them. Given that both personal beliefs and the beliefs of others can greatly influence an individual’s self-concept, it is important to determine how to define sex, virginity, and other related terms, as well as to educate people on these topics, in order to promote positive sexual identities.