MCTS: Multi-Channel Transmission Simultaneously using Non-Feedback Fountain Code
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Jianhang Liu , Shuqing Wang , Shibao Li , Xuerong Cui , Yan Pan , Ting Zhu , MCTS: Multi-Channel Transmission Simultaneously using Non-Feedback Fountain Code, IEEE Access, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2874261
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Data dissemination is an essential application in IoT network. It is generally relayed hop by hop due to the limitation of the communication distance of IoT devices. However, multi-hop transmission increases dissemination time, especially in a low duty-cycle network. Channel contention is another factor result in long delay, because most of IoT devices and WiFi equipment work within the same bandwidth (2.4G Hz). To reduce transmission delay of data dissemination, our group proposes a method of Multi-Channel Transmission Simultaneously using no-feedback fountain code (MCTS). Instead of terminating sending data by feedback as traditional fountain code protocol, in the MCTS, the sink node pours a certain amount of packets into the network according to the distance of object nodes to guarantee reliable transmission. By making use of channel encoding, the data to ZigBee nodes can be carried by some subcarriers of WiFi in multi ZigBee channels simultaneously when WiFi sends itself data. This method technically avoids the delay from channel contention. Compared with flooding method, the delay of the MCTS sending data from the sink node to all ZigBee nodes is decreased to 1/4.