Mobile Endpoints: Accessing Dynamic Information from Mobile Devices





Citation of Original Publication

Yus, Roberto, and Eduardo Mena. “Mobile Endpoints: Accessing Dynamic Information from Mobile Devices.” In 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), Bethlehem, PA (USA), Vol. 1486. CEUR-WS, 2015.


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Mobile devices are ubiquitous and, due to their increasing number of sensors and their powerful features, enable users to consume and produce huge amounts of highly-dynamic data (such as location data, other devices in range, and another local context information recollected by sensors). Semantic techniques can be applied to offer smart data to their users and remote client requests. In this paper we present the use of the SHERLOCK system as endpoint that processes GeoSPARQL-DL queries over mobile devices. It uses the GeoSPARQL extension to support location-based queries and the SPARQL-DL extension to support queries over OWL ontologies. To process the queries the system obtains dynamic data directly from mobile devices by communicating with them in a P2P manner.