Driving behavior classification at signalized intersections using vehicle kinematics: Application of unsupervised machine learning
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Citation of Original Publication
Nour O. Khanfar, Mohammed Elhenawy, Huthaifa I. Ashqar, Qinaat Hussain & Wael K. M. Alhajyaseen (2022) Driving behavior classification at signalized intersections using vehicle kinematics: Application of unsupervised machine learning, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2022.2103573
This is the submitted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion on 25 Jul 2022, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/https://doi.org/10.1080/17457300.2022.2103573
Driving behavior is considered as a unique driving habit of each driver and has a significant impact
on road safety. This study proposed a novel data-driven Machine Learning framework that can
classify driving behavior at signalized intersections considering two different signal conditions.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that investigates driving behavior at
signalized intersections with two different conditions that are mostly used in practice, i.e., the
control setting with the signal order of green-yellow-red and a flashing green setting with the
signal order of green-flashing green-yellow-red. A driving simulator dataset collected from
participants at Qatar University’s Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center, driving through
multiple signalized intersections, was used. The proposed framework extracts volatility measures
from vehicle kinematic parameters including longitudinal speed and acceleration. K-means
clustering algorithm with elbow method was used as an unsupervised machine learning to cluster
driving behavior into three classes (i.e., conservative, normal, and aggressive) and investigate the
impact of signal conditions. The framework confirmed that in general driving behavior at a
signalized intersection reflects drivers’ habits and personality rather than the signal condition,
still, it manifests the intersection nature that usually requires drivers to be more vigilant and
cautious. Nonetheless, the results suggested that flashing green condition could make drivers
more conservative, which could be due to the limited capabilities of human to estimate the
remaining distance and the prolonged duration of the additional flashing green interval. The
proposed framework and findings of the study were promising that can be used for clustering drivers
into different styles for different conditions and might be beneficial for policymakers, researchers,
and engineers.