Strategies and Approaches to Support Reading Instruction for Students with Severe and Profound Disabilities
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Masters of Education
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The purpose of this study was to determine which literacy strategies are believed to be most effective in supporting improved reading comprehension for students with severe special needs. The measurement tool for the study was a survey distributed to 15 teachers at a public-separate day school in Baltimore County. This researcher reviewed the results of the survey to infer findings about the most effective interventions, strategies, and techniques to facilitate achievement on reading comprehension. The results of the survey indicated that teachers strongly agree or agree that seven of the ten reading strategies increase reading comprehension achievement for students who have severe special needs. The results also indicated that teachers either frequently use or always use the strategies during instruction to increase achievement with reading comprehension. Further research should be conducted in order to best define and provide evidence for using additional modes of presentation during reading instruction, to support students who have severe and profound special needs.