In situ probe and inhibitory RNA synthesis using streamlined gene cloning with Gibson assembly
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Citation of Original Publication
Wolff, Andrew, Cynthia Wagner, Julia Wolf, and Daniel Lobo. “In Situ Probe and Inhibitory RNA Synthesis Using Streamlined Gene Cloning with Gibson Assembly.” STAR Protocols 3, no. 3 (September 16, 2022): 101458.
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
The synthesis of single-stranded riboprobes or double-stranded RNAs for in situ hybridization and gene knockdowns often use vectors that require time-consuming plasmid restriction digests and inefficient gel purifications. Here, we present a faster protocol for the simultaneous plasmid restriction digestion and Gibson assembly of vectors for the synthesis of both riboprobes and double-stranded RNAs for in situ and RNA interference experiments, respectively. We illustrate the protocol with planaria in situ and RNAi assays, but it is applicable to any organism.