Reviewing manuscripts for behavior-analytic journals: A primer





Citation of Original Publication

Cengher, Mirela, and Linda A. LeBlanc. “Reviewing Manuscripts for Behavior-Analytic Journals: A Primer.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, November 10, 2023.


This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Cengher, Mirela, and Linda A. LeBlanc. “Reviewing Manuscripts for Behavior-Analytic Journals: A Primer.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, November 10, 2023., which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.



The peer-review component of the editorial process is designed to facilitate quality control, legitimize scientific research, and self-regulate scientific communities. Even though serving as a reviewer undoubtedly has direct and indirect benefits, the peer-review system and the methods of teaching scholars to conduct reviews are nascent and relatively underdeveloped. This paper describes the peer review process and provides recommendations for writing reviews for scientific journals. The recommendations were developed based on the expertise and preferences of Editors and Associate Editors for behavior analytic journals (Cengher & LeBlanc, 2023), and they include honoring your responsibility, knowing your audience, being constructive and kind, and carefully evaluating the merits of the study or review. These guidelines may serve as a primer for scholars who want to conduct reviews for scientific journals in behavior analysis.