Caregiver satisfaction with hospice care
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Author/Creator ORCID
Citation of Original Publication
The purpose of this study was to evaluate caregiver
satisfaction with hospice care in one Medicare-Certified,
nonprofit hospice agency. This study evaluated the
effectiveness of hospice services and the needs of
caregivers in order to try to improve existing services
provided by the agency. The study population consisted of a
convenience sample of 46 Coastal Hospice caregivers. A descriptive research design was used for this study.
A modified version of the Home Caregiver Needs Survey (HCNS)
was used to obtain caregiver satisfaction with hospice
services. In addition, demographic information was obtained
from the Coastal Hospice discharge summaries. Mean values
were computed to analyze caregiver satisfaction. This study found that caregivers are overwhelmingly
satisfied with hospice services. The caregivers identified
many needs as being important to them. Caregivers were more
interested in informational needs, household needs, and
personal needs than in psychological and spiritual needs. Hospices need to continue to do research and to
evaluate the effectiveness of the services provided in order
to better serve patients and their families. This
information is also becoming more valuable to hospices in
order to validate themselves to third party payors.