Co-Localization to Chromosome Bands 99E1-3 of the Drosophila melanogaster Myosin Light Chain-2 Gene and a Haplo-Insufficient Locus That Affects Flight Behavior

Author/Creator ORCID




Beverly K. Fine School of the Sciences


Citation of Original Publication

Warmke, J. W., Kreuz, A. J., & Falkenthal, S. (1989). Co-localization to chromosome bands 99E1-3 of the Drosophila melanogaster myosin light chain-2 gene and a haplo-insufficient locus that affects flight behavior. Genetics, 122(1), 139-151.




Using overlapping synthetic deficiencies, we find that a haplo-insufficient locus affecting flight behavior and the myosin light chain-2 gene co-map to the Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosome interval 99D9-E1 to 99E2-3. From screening over 9000 EMS-treated chromosomes, we obtained alleles of two complementation groups that map to this same interval. One of these complementation groups lfm(3)99Eb, exhibits dominant flightless behavior; thus, flightless behavior of the deficiency is in all likelihood due to hemizygosity of this single locus. Rescue of flightless behavior by a duplication indicates that the single allele, E38, of the Ifm(3)99Eb complementation group is a hypomorph. Based upon its map position and a reduction in concentration of myosin light chain-2 mRNA in heterozygotes, we propose that Ifm(3)Eb(E38) is a mutant allele of the myosin light chain-2 gene. Our genetic analysis also resulted in the identification of four dominant flightless alleles of an unlinked locus, l(3)nc99Eb, that exhibits dominant lethal synergism with Ifm(3)99Eb.