Optomechanical frequency combs
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Mohammad-Ali Miri, Giuseppe D'Aguanno and Andrea Alù, Optomechanical frequency combs, New Journal of Physics, Volume 20, April 2018, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1367-2630/aab5c6/meta
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We study the formation of frequency combs in a single-mode optomechanical cavity. The comb is composed of equidistant spectral lines centered at the pump laser frequency and located at different harmonics of the mechanical resonator. We investigate the classical nonlinear dynamics of such system and find analytically the onset of parametric instability resulting in the breakdown of a stationary continuous wave intracavity field into a periodic train of pulses, which in the Fourier domain gives rise to a broadband frequency comb. Different dynamical regimes, including a stationary state, frequency comb generation and chaos, and their dependence on the system parameters, are studied both analytically and numerically. Interestingly, the comb generation is found to be more robust in the poor cavity limit, where optical loss is equal or larger than the mechanical resonance frequency. Our results show that optomechanical resonators open exciting opportunities for microwave photonics as compact and robust sources of frequency combs with megahertz line spacing.