Smart Flexible 3D Sensor for Monitoring Orthodontics Forces: Prototype Design and Proof of Principle Experiment





Citation of Original Publication

Lee, Soobum, Chabum Lee, Jose A. Bosio, and Mary Anne S. Melo. 2022. "Smart Flexible 3D Sensor for Monitoring Orthodontics Forces: Prototype Design and Proof of Principle Experiment" Bioengineering 9, no. 10: 570.


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There is a critical need for an accurate device for orthodontists to know the magnitude of forces exerted on the tooth by the orthodontic brackets. Here, we propose a new orthodontic force measurement principle to detect the deformation of the elastic semi-sphere sensor. Specifically, we aimed to detail technical issues and the feasibility of the sensor performance attached to the inner surface of the orthodontic aligner or on the tooth surface. Accurate force tracking is important for the optimal decision of aligner replacement and cost reduction. A finite element (FE) model of the semi-sphere sensor was developed, and the relationship between the force and the contact area change was investigated. The prototype was manufactured, and the force detection performance was experimentally verified. In the experiment, the semi-sphere sensor was manufactured using thermoplastic polymer, and a high-precision mold sized 3 mm in diameter. The change in the contact area in the semi-sphere sensor was captured using a portable microscope. Further development is justified, and future implementation of the proposed sensor would be an array of multiple semisphere sensors in different locations for directional orthodontic force detection.