Peripheral blood transcriptomic profiling of molecular mechanisms commonly regulated by binge drinking and placebo effects

dc.contributor.authorShetty, Amol Carl
dc.contributor.authorSivinski, John
dc.contributor.authorCornell, Jessica
dc.contributor.authorMcCracken, Carrie
dc.contributor.authorSadzewicz, Lisa
dc.contributor.authorMahurkar, Anup
dc.contributor.authorWang, Xing-Qun
dc.contributor.authorColloca, Luana
dc.contributor.authorLin, Weihong
dc.contributor.authorPilli, Nageswara
dc.contributor.authorKane, Maureen A.
dc.contributor.authorSeneviratne, Chamindi
dc.description.abstractMolecular responses to alcohol consumption are dynamic, context-dependent, and arise from a complex interplay of biological and external factors. While many have studied genetic risk associated with drinking patterns, comprehensive studies identifying dynamic responses to pharmacologic and psychological/placebo effects underlying binge drinking are lacking. We investigated transcriptome-wide response to binge, medium, and placebo alcohol consumption by 17 healthy heavy social drinkers enrolled in a controlled, in-house, longitudinal study of up to 12 days. Using RNA-seq, we identified 251 and 13 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in response to binge drinking and placebo, respectively. Eleven protein-coding DEGs had very large effect sizes in response to binge drinking (Cohen’s d > 1). Furthermore, binge dose significantly impacted the Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction pathway (KEGG: hsa04060) across all experimental sequences. Placebo also impacted hsa04060, but only when administered following regular alcohol drinking sessions. Similarly, medium-dose and placebo commonly impacted KEGG pathways of Systemic lupus erythematosus, Neutrophil extracellular trap formation, and Alcoholism based on the sequence of drinking sessions. These findings together indicate the “dose-extending effects” of placebo at a molecular level. Furthermore, besides supporting alcohol dose-specific molecular changes, results suggest that the placebo effects may induce molecular responses within the same pathways regulated by alcohol.
dc.description.sponsorshipTe authors thank Sandra Ott and Holy Bowen at the Maryland Genomics Center afliated with the UMSOM/ IGS for their assistance with the NanoString assays. The research was supported by the NIAAA grants K23AA020899 and R01AA026291 (to CS), “micro-grants (vouchers)” to CS through the UMB Clinical Translational Research Initiative (ICTR program) that partially facilitated human laboratory procedures through CTSA grant 1UL1TR003098, and in part by the University of Maryland Baltimore, School of Pharmacy Mass Spectrometry Center (SOP1841-IQB2014) to MAK. Open access funding provided by the National Institutes of Health.
dc.format.extent13 pages
dc.genrejournal articles
dc.identifier.citationShetty, Amol Carl, John Sivinski, Jessica Cornell, Carrie McCracken, Lisa Sadzewicz, Anup Mahurkar, Xing-Qun Wang, et al. “Peripheral Blood Transcriptomic Profiling of Molecular Mechanisms Commonly Regulated by Binge Drinking and Placebo Effects.” Scientific Reports 14, no. 1 (May 10, 2024): 10733.
dc.relation.isAvailableAtThe University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
dc.relation.ispartofUMBC Faculty Collection
dc.relation.ispartofUMBC Biological Sciences Department
dc.rightsCC BY 4.0 DEED Attribution 4.0 International
dc.subjectMedical research
dc.subjectMolecular medicine
dc.subjectPsychiatric disorders
dc.titlePeripheral blood transcriptomic profiling of molecular mechanisms commonly regulated by binge drinking and placebo effects


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