The Future of Hybrid Care and Wellbeing in HCI





Citation of Original Publication

Bhat, Karthik S, et al. "The Future of Hybrid Care and Wellbeing in HCI" In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 368, 1–5.


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This workshop focuses on remote care and wellbeing as we transition into a world increasingly adopting hybrid lifestyles and modes of operation. Care and care work have predominantly been researched in traditionally in-person interpersonal contexts. The burgeoning uptake and incorporation of information and communication technologies towards remote care have created new workflows and resulted in emerging questions around the definitions and scope of care practice in response. The confluence of technological, sociocultural, geopolitical, and climatic realities of the current day brings into focus the need to unpack the idea of “care,” and the role that HCI researchers could play in creating equitable futures of remote and hybrid care. This workshop will focus on questions such as “What does holistic wellbeing look like in the era of hybrid caregiving?” and “How does environmental care factor into our research practice?” We invite researchers and practitioners from academia and industry in this workshop to reflect on these questions and advance the future of remote care work at CHI.