WSN Routing Protocols: Anonymity Prospective Analysis
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A. A. Elkhail, U. Baroudi and M. Younis, "WSN Routing Protocols: Anonymity Prospective Analysis," 2022 14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN), Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 2022, pp. 819-823, doi: 10.1109/CICN56167.2022.10008348.
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A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is mainly composed of multiple sensor nodes and a single Base-Station (BS),
randomly distributed in a given area of interest. WSNs have
proven very beneficial in various applications in unattended
setup in many domains such as scientific, civil, and military. In
these applications, sensors send their measurements to the Base
Station over multi-hop wireless routes where the Base Station is
responsible for collecting and processing the sensed data. Given
the significant role of the BS, an adversary would try to uncover
the base-station position by analyzing the traffic patterns in
the network in order to apply targeted attacks that are geared
for disrupting the network operation. In this paper, we analyze
the traffic analysis attack models from an adversary’s point of
view. Also, we evaluate different routing schemes in order to
assess the strengths and weaknesses in terms of exposing the
network to traffic analysis attacks. Our evaluation is supported
by simulation results.